Saturday, January 12, 2008

tips on spices

tips on spices:
the spice cabinet plays an important in the indian kitchen.
When storing spices at home, buy whole spices rather than the powdered forms.
Most of the spices are easy to crush and can be ground before cooking.
Fresh ground spices tend to be richer in aroma and flavour.
Store powdered spices in an air tight container.
Some spices like turmeric and chilli hold their flavour fairly well and can be bought in powdered form.
Do not stock spices in large quantities, long storage tends the spices to loose some of their aroma and flavour.
Do not stock different spices in one container, even if they are packed.

Spices have a strong aroma and flavour and should be used in small quantities.
For best results, always add spices and spice powders at the beginning itself.
It is not good to add extra spices at the end of the cooking process as this can lend a raw flavour to your already cooked meal.

Notice the colour of the spices when you are buying.The richer the colour, the better the quality of the product.
The freshness of a spice can be told by its distinctive aroma. Musty undertones indicate long shelf life and therefore a stale product

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