Friday, January 18, 2008

fruit punch or cocktail

fruit punch or cocktail


grapes: 500 g,
pineapple: 2 nos.
lemon: 25,
orange: 25,
ginger: 100-150 g,

when all these juice are extracted the fruit juices should be 950 ml and ginger juice should be 50 ml.

sugar: 2 kgs,
citric acid: 20 g,
S.B: 3.2 g,
raspberry red colour

prepare the juices of grapes and pineapple as mentioned before and allow it to cool.
extract the juices from lemon and orange and keep it seperately.
extract the juice of ginger also.
lemon,orange and ginger juices should not be boiled.
prepare the sugar syrup and when you add the citric acid reduce it according to the lemon juice.
when the syrup cools down add all the juices along with the colour and store it in sterilised bottles

lemon squash

lemon squash

lemon juice: 1 litre,
sugar: 1.8 kgs,
water: 1.2 litres,
yellow colour
lemon essence: 20 ml,
K.M.S: 3.2 g.

Squeeze the fruits and extract the juice.
as lemon contains acid,as well as it is sour you need not add C.A to the juice.
prepare the sugar syrup and when it is cooled, mix it with the juice.
add colour,essence and k.m.s and store it in sterilised bottles.
while consuming if you add a pinch of salt to the juice it will enhance the taste.

pineapple squash

pineapple squash

pineapple juice: 1 litre,
sugar: 1.7 kg,
water: 1.3 litres,
C.A: 20 g,
colour: yellow,
pineapple essence: 20 ml,
K.M.S: 3.2 g.
Peel the skin and grate the fruit and boil it without adding water.
pour it in a crusher and then fliter it.
prepare the sugar syrup and when it is cooled mix it with the fruit juice.
add colour,essence and K.M.S and mix it well and store it in sterilised bottles.

mango squash

mango squash

mango juice: 1 litre,
sugar: 1.6 kg,
water: 1.4 litre,
C.A: 25 g,
colour: yellow,
K.M.S 3.2 g.

It is the same procedure which you do for orange squash.
When you are preparing orange and lemon squash you should not boil the juice.
Just boil the sugar syrup and when it is cooled mix it with the juice.


orange juice: 1 litre,
sugar: 1.7 litres,
water: 1.3 litres,
citric acid: 20 g [4 teaspoons],
colour: orange,red,
K.M.S: 3.2 g,
essence: 20 ml.

when you are preparing orange juice you should not use iron utensils.
squeeze the oranges, extract the juice and filter it.
prepare sugar syrup, filter it and allow it to cool.
when cooled mix the syrup and juice and add the preservative,colour and essence and store it in sterilised bottles.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

grape juice

grape juice:

grape juice: 1 litre,
sugar: 2 kgs,
water: 1 litre,
citric acid: 20g[4 teaspoons],
tonovin essence: 4 teaspoons,
S.B: 3.2 G[1 1/4 teaspoons].

Choose well ripened grapes,wash it thoroughly and then mash it well with a wooden spoon.
Boil it for 10 minutes without adding water.
When fully cooked, filter the juice and measure it.
Prepare sugar syrup,by adding citric acid and when it boils ,remove from the stove and filter the syrup in a clean white cloth.
After it becomes cool add the fruit juice.
Mix the S.B in a little amount of luke-warm water and add it to the juice,then add the TONOVIN essence and store it in a thoroughly washed sterilised bottle and start using it after 3 days

fruit juices

Fruit juices:

Sodium bicarbonate[s/b]: 3.2 g= 11/4 teaspoon,
Potassium meta-bi-sulphate[k.m.s]: 3.2 g=3/4 teaspoon,
Citric acid[c/a]: 5.0 g=1 teaspoon,
Salt: 6.0 g=1 spoon
1 tablespoon= 3 teaspoons,
1 cup[ie] 6 oz.cup= 200ml.
1. it helps to remove the dirt from sugar syrup. equalises the sour and sweet taste evenly. helps the preservatives to function properly. does allow the sugar syrup to get solidified.
S/B and K.M.S helps the food items to be preserved for a longer period without getting destroyed.
When we use K.M.S we must consume the product only after 10 days, whereas when we use S.B we can use it within 3 days.
When K.M.S is added the product is stable for 1 year and with S.B it is stable for 7 to 8 months.
When K.M.S is used, it has the property of decolourising the red pigments present in grapes and tomato, so it is advisable to avoid it when you are doing those juices.
The bottles in which you are storing the juices should be very clean and leave 1" gap at top and fill.
Jams and jellies can be preserved in HORLICKS bottles and make it a point to fill the bottle the moment you finish preparing with the heat itself, close the bottle after it gets cooled.

fruit juice 25% 25% 25%
sugar 45% 55% 60-70%
water 30% 20% 15.5%
the prepared juice and water should in the ratio of 1:3, which will give areal good taste.