Friday, December 21, 2007

dahi semiya


Semiya: 200 grams,
Fresh curd: 200 grams,
Chopped cucumber: 1 small cup,
Grated carrot: 1 small cup,
Green chillies: 2 finely cut,
Milk: half litre.

Cook the semiya in water very softly....... add three portions of water then it will be correct for soft cooking........ after cooking allow it cool........then add the carrot,cucumber and chillies along with curd and milk. Add salt according to taste........Heat little cooking oil and fry 1 tsp mustard,1tsp dhal,2 red chillies and little curry leaves and add it to the semiya. Garnish it with coriander leaves and also seedless grapes which is optional.........tasty dahi semiya is ready

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